Foundation Awareness
to Jul 9

Foundation Awareness

Oahu, Hawaii - Fall 2020

Discover the basis upon which all awareness stems. The outcome is a strong foundation upon which you can rely when confronted with decision making and emotional challenges. More to come.

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Shamanic Yoga and Meditation Retreat
to Mar 13

Shamanic Yoga and Meditation Retreat

OLT will be hosting a 5 day, 5 night shamanic yoga and meditation retreat in Phuket, Thailand. The retreat is spiritually focused and will include daily guided meditations and yoga classes, and two shamanic healing ceremonies with San Pedro. The retreat is designed to provide a safe environment for intense spiritual work and healing. This is not an adventure retreat or designed for your entertainment - only those seeking and committed to a deep spiritual experience should attend. We can assist you with arranging a room, but we do not provide a room. Food will only be provided on the two days the shamanic healing ceremonies are held. Otherwise the participant is responsible for their own meals. The participant is responsible for their own transportation. 

Price (Retreat Only): $1,050.00 USD  (Group discount available for groups of 6 or more)


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Introduction to Meditation (Dissolving Reality) and Essential Oils
10:00 AM10:00

Introduction to Meditation (Dissolving Reality) and Essential Oils

This is a free program designed to give you an introduction to the benefits of meditation. Those who are interested may utilize an essential oil blend I discovered while working with doTerra essential oils to promote energy flow through the chakras. No meditation experience is required. We begin by going over the basics principals of meditation and a quick overview of the essential oil blend being utilized to enhance the meditation experience. I will then lead a guided mediation using a heart opening meditation technique I learned while studying under Dr. Guruji Omananda in Indore, India. The guided meditation will be lead with the intention of dissolving our individual concept of "reality" that prevents a connection to our true nature. As the primary purpose is always to spread the benefits of meditation and the peace it imparts, we will save any questions regarding essential oils and their benefits, including the emotional benefits and energetic benefits related to the chakras, until after conclusion of the guided meditation, so that only those interested in learning more about the benefits of essential oils are present for a separate doTerra essential oils education and informational session.

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Introduction to Meditation
10:00 AM10:00

Introduction to Meditation

This workshop is designed to introduce those who are new to meditation as well as those who would like to get back to basics. It is a nice introduction and a friendly reminder of the power of meditation. It will provide: a basic foundation in the philosophies behind meditation; basic meditation technique; and practical experience in meditation through guided group meditation. This workshop will provide a basic meditation practice to those who wish to reduce stress, increase concentration, improve sleep, promote a sense of oneness, as well as a plethora of other benefits.

Price: Donation Based

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